
Petals of Saturn



Jillian Donnellan


(click images to to enlarge)

Outline the story …

This year's theme inspired me to create something based on the novel "A Journey in Other Worlds." Books are an escape--a journey--for me. Not only do I have a very specific, cozy memory connected with this book, but the book itself is about a space voyage. Published in 1894, but set in 2000, the second part sees the characters exploring the planet of Saturn: a land of mist and spirits, which is where I drew my inspiration from. I went through a variety of designs that I do not feel myself capable of creating before landing on this ensemble.

Outline the construction…

The passages about "Saturn" in the novel evoke a sense of cool colour tones and light-weight fabric. I used denim for the corset belt to signify the space travellers arriving, a heavy presence to the spirts of Saturn. The feathers I made from denim as well and are inspired by the foliage encroaching upon them as they explore: feathery, yet constantly looming over them. The overskirt is made of a synthetic white fabric, like a shroud of the "unnatural" spirits that inhabit the planet.

I decorated it with flower petals I originally obtained to decorate my cap for my college graduation. Within the pages, they represent the way the spirits slowly fall into place as they travel throughout their world; but the origin of the material is also representative of the time in my life whence first I read the novel.

My goal was for the silhouette to be a modern take on the fashion of the guilded age, when the book was published, including a mini bustle on the skirt to aid in this.

The biggest challenge for me this year was illness, unfortunately. Last year was a year of change, finally starting a healing journey in a newly-diagnosed chronic illness, and fighting burnout from working six days a week. As of the new year, my work schedule changed to give me much more time for myself and my hobbies; but before I could make much progress on this ensemble, I was struck down with a cold for a few weeks (that is still hanging around), as well as an injury that made it hard for me to work.

Never the less, I powered through and have once again completed something that I am proud of. It is not the full extent of what I had hoped to create, but it's more than I thought I'd be able to get done when I got sick at the beginning of February!




  1. Kitty Mortensen Kitty Mortensen on April 19, 2024 at 6:29 pm

    This is so cute and whimsical I love the flower on the denim to match the flowers on the skirt.

  2. Avatar Jenny B on April 23, 2024 at 7:33 pm

    This is such a lovely design! The surface decoration is beautiful!

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