A djinni’s cape

Outline the story …
Entry inspired by Bartimaeus, from the Bartimaeus Sequence series. I discovered Costube last year to keep me company while abroad. It led me to the American Duchess Cape pattern. I downloaded it, knowing I would have to make changes to it, especially in length, but it seemed easy for the first garment I would make.
One of my favorite book series is the Bartimaeus Sequence especially because of the humor of Bartimaeus, the story's hero and a djinni. So I knew he would be my inspiration for this challenge.
I chose to make the cape reversible so that I could show two sides of the djinni:
one dark because he usually has to accomplish his missions unseen and unheard as ordered by his master, and for his dark humor,
the other with peacock feathers because he particularly likes the air element, turning into a flying animal whenever possible on his missions and also because he likes theatrics and is a complete show-off.
So now he/I can wear my cape, stealthily on the dark side while on a mission or proudly on the feathery side whenever we chose to.
Outline the construction…
I chose worsted wool for one side as recommended and wax fabric for the other because of the pattern on the fabric.
Then I printed, taped and cut the pattern. I modified the front wrap to make it angle a little bit more upward and added length to the back to fit the length of the sleeves.
I cut the wax fabric, hoping it would all fit together, pinned it and sewed it on our century-old treadle machine. Thanks to my mother guiding me and keeping a watchful eye sometimes, I avoided disasters but I still had to unsew once, twice or thrice the same part because I did not like what I did.
I did the same thing with the wool and discovered it was way trickier and slippery but I managed to do the second cape although more slowly.
I let both hang overnight.
My mother taught me how to iron the wool protected by a wet fabric so i could iron them both before sewing them together. I trimmed all the edges with serrated scissors to prevent fraying.
I then turned the cape inside-out, sewed it shut, ironed it and that was it. I did it!
Everything was new for me but thanks to Costube and my mother, I learned new tips and tricks.
I love the pattern and the reversible nature of the cape. Great job!
I love the peacock pattern fabric! You did a marvelous job on this and I love how you connected the character into your fabric choices!
I really like it. So versatile. Well done
What a Gorgeously smooth plane across the upper back and shoulders, beautifully done!
Awesome work – it’s difficult to get capes to turn and collars to sit right and you have done it. I really love the fabric choice too.
This is so pretty- I love your colours and pattern, and I’m a sucker for reversible 😀
I love a good cape, and this is wonderful!
Great fabric choice, nice work!
I love those books and Bartimaeus, and I love your fabric choice! The reversible cape is such a good idea for the duality of his character vs. his role to fulfil.
Fun choice of fabric and practical.
That looks amazing! And for me (who only read the first book) the pattern and the colors fit wonderfully into the world.
Beautiful! I’ve always wanted to make a cape, but I keep putting it off in fear. I love how the light side is a perfect fabric to peek out as a fun lining!
Your cape is so fun! Djinni caught my eye and when I clicked I saw your inspiration was Bartimaeus! He is my absolute favorite character and now you’ve inspired me and got me thinking about how I can bring Bartimaeus in to my world. Well done!
Yay! This is awesome <3 I love the pattern and colors of your wax fabric and I love that you made it reversible to show two sides of the character. Awesome!
Lovely cape! I also enjoy very much your choice of fabrics for the character.
This is a great looking cape; I especially love the fabric combination.
This os gorgeous! Well done
It looks amazing! I am so impressed that you chose this as your first garment – I sewed the pattern recently too and it is not all that easy! Your fit around the bust is absolutely perfect, too, which I find is very hard with this pattern, so KUDOS for your great adjustments!
As an African I appreciate the use of color and print, really made the cape pop
Awesome fabric! I love the duality of the cape
Great job! The picture detail catching my eye is the whimsical turned up points on the collar. Whether that was there in original pattern or you just made it so, it is great.
I love the patter! You did a great job, pattern altering is hard..
Oooh, I love the drama of the AD cape at this length! And both fabric choices are *chef’s kiss*.
I love the length!
The fabric is such a fun color! I love that it’s reversible!
oh my goodness, tackling a reversible garment is always a challenge, but you rose to the occasion. It looks lovely.
Wow, you did this pattern justice. AD should take a lesson from you! Very nice, well done! Thank you!
I love that it’s reversible and that you altered the AD cape to your needs. Great Job!
I love the duality of reversible garments. Great job. Makes me want to read the book!
Your cape is really cool ! making it reversible was a very awesome move . Congratulations on your entry 🙂
I adore your cape. The fabric is simply fantastic. Great work!
I love your print so much! You can be proid of your work it looks fabulous 🙂