Vin’s Mistborn Mistcloak

Outline the story …
During the pandemic I discovered a bunch of YouTube sewing channels, and after many hours of binging I found out about Foundations Revealed and then this contest. I have never made a full garment before but I, as do many of us out there, suddenly have a lot more time on my hands so I decided, why not? What do I have to lose? My inspiration is Vin's Mistcloak from the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I chose this because not only do I very much identify with Vin but the description of the cloak and what it was about instantly invoked a very vivid image in my head that I just could not shake. The image and idea of a cloak blending into the wind and shadows inspired the very wispy look and feel of the cloak. I love the books so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to try to make the image that appeared in my head a reality.
Outline the construction…
My biggest challenge, to be perfectly honest, was that I had no idea what I was doing. This was basically the first thing that that I have ever made. I learned a lot. Aside from the snaps which were hand sewn everything was sewn by machine. Learning how to use a sewing machine was an adventure in and of itself. I ran out of the bobbin thread several times and did not even notice it until I thought I had finished and went to cut the thread. That was rather frustrating. I had to watch a ton of YouTube video's when I got stuck but that made me learn so much and it definitely helped me out a lot.
So proud of you for jumping into sewing and producing your first garment. Way to go. Great job.
Bobbins! It’s my new swear word. When you’ve been happily sewing away (you think) but no. No, you haven’t. I’d love to see this on a windy, misty hilltop. I hope you’re as adventurous with your next sewing journey. Good luck!
This is so atmospheric and cool. Congrats on your first garment, well done!
Congratulations! I love and it’s your first! Just like mine! It takes courage and learning and the result is truly amazing! I love it!
I love the flow of the cloak. Great job. I swear bobbins are going to be the death of me.
I love seeing your perspective on a Mistborn cloak – I’ll admit it’s something I’ve spent a fair time imagining myself. Well done!
I love the book and it’s fun to see your take on it. Very impressive for a first time project!
“Jump in” they said, “the water is great” so happy that you made this jump with such enthousiasme
So thrilled to see a wonderful garment from some of my favorite books! I was thinking of Mistborn before I even read the title of your garment. Great job!
Very fun and creative. I think you did well with a unique garment. Good job!
Well done. What an amazing first project.
Wow! You made an awesome piece!
This looks fantastic and magical!
I can totally see Vin and Kelsier wearing cloaks like this. Just WOW – you did an amazing job, and this being a first project is so impressive!
Wow, this is wonderful! Very imaginative! Thank you so much!
Awesome! Love that fabulous hood. Also, bobbin hell, I feel ya! 🙂
YESSS more mist cloaks in the world!!👏👏👏 It looks great, I think you’ve really captured the mist cloak feeling. Well done! <3
I love your mistborn cloak! I remember reading that book for the first time and loving the cloak so much, and yours captures the look and feel incredibly well. Also congrats on making it through the struggle of the bobbin!