The Yellow Wallpaper

Outline the story …
I took inspiration from the short story "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, as my time in quarantine over 2020 made me appreciate the story much more as I listened to it over and over! I took design inspirations from extant 1890's capes at the MET and FIT, and also borrowed books on costume history in the 1890's from a professor of mine.
Outline the construction…
I began with a Truly Victorian 1890's cape pattern and some truly elaborate ideas. What began as a grandiose evening cape became a simple dinner capelet when I realized I went too big too fast, like a Happy Birthday sign. I taught myself to sew as a young girl but because of mental health problems I hadn't sewn anything in many years, and had to relearn and correct all my terrible sewing techniques on this project! I also had to overcome living in a more rural area with not much access to a large or varied fabric selection, and not enough time to order anything online. I made do with some imitation silk, a soft yellow suiting, and your typical hobby store trim! I also taught myself how to make the two matching rosettes by hand with faux velvet ribbon. The construction itself took about 2 weeks, with the whole cape being taken apart and put back together nearly 5 times. I got frustrated, I cried, and I wanted to quit, but I pulled through and built something I can show!
This story haunted my childhood. I love the capelet. The colour is exactly right for the book (in my head). Lovely collar, and perfect trim. It was worth the hard work and heartache. I hope it’s the start of a return to a happy sewing journey. Wear it! Best of luck x
I’m so glad you stuck through it, this turned out wonderful.
Such a lovely sunny colour. The rosettes are subtle, yet so sweet! Hats off to your perseverance!
Well done, the trims look beautiful.
You look great, and the yellow is lovely and vibrant. It’s good to realize that we sometimes take on too much and take a step back. This is something I myself definitely still have to learn. Well done!
This is a gorgeous capelet. I’m so glad you finished on time! You made such lovely decisions with the trim and the color, and the rosettes just put that Perfect Finishing Touch(tm) on it.
I love the collar. It creates such a nice line to the capelet.
It is stunning. I LOVE it. I always think we need more yellow. And look at the trim around the boarder. Fabulous!!
The rosettes and the trim look so good together, I think they make the whole aesthetic of your capelet!
Something about translating the wallpaper into a capelet works so well in a way I can’t articulate. I love all the choices you made, and you look wonderful in it!
You did a fantastic job – your capelet is beautiful, with exquisite details of the trim, rosettes, and textures. I would not be surprised to see it gracing an exhibit at the MET alongside those that inspired it.
Lovely color for the capelet. Quite pretty! Thank you!
Love that story – and your cape! Fifth time’s the charm!
Your trim is a beautiful finishing touch to this capelet! Good job sticking through to make it to your goal, even if things changed in the process 🙂