The Masked Figure was Cloaked?

Outline the story …
The moment I decided to take part in this competition I knew my inspiration would be "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe. However, in rereading the short story I noticed something. The roaming figure at the party only has a description of their mask. That left a lot to interpretation. I decided to follow my minds eye and create a hooded, cloaked figure. Definitely included a deathly mask, of course. The outer fabric of the cloak would be black and the lining red, inspired by the seventh apartment.
Outline the construction…
The cloak is made up of black fleece and red twill lining. The twill was actually quite slippery and forced me to learn basting pretty quickly. As for seams... well, let's just say we have come to an agreement; I learn how to make bias tape and they will stay put behind it. I realize that might not be the right way, but I really enjoy how it turned out! When it came to the pattern, I used a free "one size fits all" cloak I could print. As it turned out with mockups, one size does not indeed fit all. I ended up shortening the pattern and shaving off some shoulder to help fit my narrow shoulders. The hem gave me some grief because I had never worked with something so long or flowy. I decided to put my mannequin up on the table and I measured the entire way around being careful to go slowly and make it even. While it was tedious, I've never had a more even hem. Costube, Foundations Revealed and many Google searches later, I can say I am finished!
Very striking, perfect for the tale. Good work wrangling that slippery lining. Best of luck x
Thank you!!
Beautiful piece, fits with the character wonderfully and I hope you help pioneer bringing cloaks back as an everyday piece of fashion as yours looks brilliant!
Thank you!! Proud to help bring them back (:
Outside dark, inside red – very good choice. It looks beautiful. And the fight with your fabric choices, been there too 😉
I definitely will be doing some swatches before I buy online next time lol thank you!
Lovely cloak. The red adds just that bit extra <3
Thank you(:
Massive congratulations! That hem does look impeccable.
Thank you!!!!!!! It took far longer thank I care to admit just to figure out how I wanted to tackle the hem
Beautiful work! We so often see this figure interpreted as all lurid red, but I love the idea of the red being hidden… until it’s too late. And congratulations on that hem!
Beautiful cloak! I love this, very dramatic! I am a huge Poe fan! Thank you!
That looks very fitting for the masked figure and the red adds just the right extra.
I love the flare you’ve managed to incorporate in your design! The cloak is wonderful and looks like it will be so much fun to wear other times as well 🙂