
Sarah’s Smaug the Dragon



Sarah Magnuson


(click images to to enlarge)

Other Credits

photos taken by Brianne Halbur

Outline the story …

So the beginnings of this project actually take place when I was in 2nd grade and my dad handed me a well loved copy of one of his favorite childhood books, The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien. I almost got stuck at the tea party at the very beginning, but quickly picked the book back up when my dad asked me if I had gotten to the part with the dragon yet! Several years ago I saw the live action Cinderella and quickly fell in love with Cinderella’s dress and how it moved, but since I had never felt a particular connection to Cinderella I decided to make my own version. I managed to find some red and gold dragon scale fabric and just knew it would be perfect for Smaug, a red/gold dragon. Smaug literally has gems embedded in his belly from laying on his hoard of treasure and describes himself as “armoured above and below with iron scales and hard gems. No blade can pierce me.” (except that Bilbo notices a small blank patch on the left side of his chest that ultimately leads to Smaug’s downfall as it allows one of the men to shoot him down). I drew inspiration for some of the textures for the bodice from different reptiles (snakes/gila monsters particularly) as well as the description from the book. I wanted the skirts to look like a living flame, especially when it was in motion

Outline the construction…

The foundation for this gown was an elliptical steel hoop followed by the massive petticoat to achieve both movement and volume. I initially started with a base based on Truly Victorian’s grand parlor skirt, then added more and more ruffles using layers of godets. Initially, I had paired organza ruffles with a fishing line hem with cotton crinoline fabric that I had dyed then attempted to re-stiffen, but the ruffles collapsed from the weight of the crinoline so I switched to using tutu netting. There were roughly 700 yards of ruffles made from organza and tutu netting.
The overskirts have 6 layers of organza; the final two layers are a dyed iridescent organza, and a red to black colorshift crinkle organza. The layers were sewn using French seams and then hemmed using a rolled hem. The top layer was hemmed with a lighter to create a burned hem.
I made a foundation corset from the Amelie pattern by Corsets by Caroline using a double layered construction method with felled seams/internal boning channels.
I used Simplicity 1728 as my bodice pattern, then modified the front/back neckline, and added gores to the bottom so it would fit over the skirt. The bodice was constructed using the same methods as the corset. To mimic Smaug’s belly I used a layer of yellow quilting cotton with organza overlays, then stitched “scales” using a satin stitch.
Embellishments included rhinestoning the skirts, outlining the scales with tiny rhinestones, and filling the central bodice panel with rhinestones.




  1. Avatar Leora Wambach on March 11, 2021 at 8:08 pm

    Man, this is truly OUTSTANDING. I just keep coming back to stare at it. I’m in love with every part of this dress.

  2. Avatar Wendy on March 11, 2021 at 11:35 pm

    Seven. Hundred. Yards. That is so extra, and wow, does it ever look amazing; all the layers look like embers!

  3. Ashley Taylor Anderson on March 12, 2021 at 4:09 am

    Obsessed. More ballgowns inspired by dragons please!

  4. Astrid Astrid on March 12, 2021 at 4:19 am

    Love Love Love Love Love this!

  5. Ju on March 12, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    look at that twirl! You could as easily be Katniss from the Hunger games series with her dress that burst into flames. I love it so much! Worthy of a true dragon’s hoard.

  6. Avatar Carol Hughey on March 14, 2021 at 10:23 pm

    This is WONDERFUL! You’ve captured well Smaug the seductive and sinister dragon.your bodice with all the beading and rhinestones is a perfect rendition of his belly, (though I don’t see the bare place with the small opening for bards bow) 😊 The skirts are FABULOUS. They move with a fiery flamboyance and I bet you can hear them rustle, just like when Smaug moves from his hoard. WELL DONE!

  7. Avatar Briana on March 15, 2021 at 7:11 pm

    Wow! What a dress! You did a great job!

  8. Laurie on March 19, 2021 at 8:36 pm


  9. Avatar Marion Brégier on March 20, 2021 at 8:25 pm

    This is definitely what Smaug would wear if it was to take human shape ! Absolutely stunning !

  10. Avatar Pentti Lahti on March 20, 2021 at 10:17 pm

    The movement of the skirt is epic! Loving all the details, especially the burned hem! Beautiful work.

  11. Serindyanë on March 23, 2021 at 3:29 pm

    Amazing. The choice of Smaug as your character, the colour scheme effect, and the crazy wild ballgown, your creation IS wonderful from start to finish !

    Thanks for the video of you twirling… That was my ASMR minute for the day. Deeply satisfying to watch ! Mmmmh, me thinks I’m going to rewatch it…

  12. Avatar Giorgio Ronchi on March 26, 2021 at 12:05 am

    It’s wonderful, congrats!

  13. Avatar Stephanie Murison on March 26, 2021 at 7:03 am

    THAT is a dress you can twirl in! Such gorgeous shimmering, jewel-like colours, just beautiful!

    • Avatar Sarah on March 29, 2021 at 5:50 am

      thank you! it’s so much fun to spin in and the colors make me happy!

  14. Avatar Benigna on March 26, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    This is a wonderful Smaug! I really like she shimmering fabric and the bodice.

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