Regency Dragonrider

Outline the story …
In Elle Katherine White's Heartstone series we get a wonderfully fantastical adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Aliza Bentaine (our Lizzy Bennet) is good with herbs and healing, connects with the local hobgloblins and absolutely cannot stand the snobby Alastair Daired, famed dragonrider. But, as things happen, they fall in love as the world around them shifts, with dread gryphons (and worse) emerging to put the whole kingdom at risk.
In the series Aliza gets to go off on adventures with Alastair, riding his dragon and assisting in fighting the evil monsters across the land. I took major inspiration from the story and filled in some blanks with knowledge of the era and Dungeons and Dragons. What would a druid dragonrider need on her? She's married to a Daired, so she has to dress nicely, but she also needs armor.
I decided she needed a hussif bandolier to hold her herbs and druid/healer notions. The back part of the bandolier is a little fur shrug that can detach and work alone.
A woman from Daired needs fancy armor, so I gave her teacup dragon shoulder and chest bits, along with a legendary silver armored set of stays. She has her second best dress, over her EMMA short stays, and chemise. Simple, easy to clean and fight in.
Outline the construction…
I started from the base and worked out, and used only items I already had on hand.
The chemise I made from a bedsheet, using the Simplicity 8162 pattern.
The short stays are my first pair of any stays/corset shapewear things. I used a Redthreaded pattern and a promotional bag for EMMA 2020. I liked the symbolism of using Jane Austen's words as a base for this costume inspired by an Austen work. This was a whole new world of construction for me (first grommets, boning channels, etc.).
Then came the armour stays, which were my first pair of stays, using silver cosplay fabric and an IKEA pillowcase (along with industrial zip ties and other notions). I didn't love how the silver sewed, but I can live with it and I'm glad I faced my fear of making my most complex piece of work yet (after watching lots of videos on how to make stays). I adjusted a Redthreaded pattern for these, and loved the idea of this older "armour" because in D&D you often get "Legendary" items that are old relics with great power.
The dress itself is another bedsheet, using the Simplicity 8941 pattern with modifications for height and available fabric. I added extra ribbon on the sleeves to attach the EVA foam "teacup dragonscale armour" I made (design inspired by Delftwear).
The hussif bandolier is made from scraps and mini bottles and herbs I had on hand.
I cannot decided which piece I am most obsessed with? The tote turned corset? The teacup armor? Regardless this is SO wonderful!
Awwww thank you so much! I was worried I made too much.
Very imaginative and well done. I love the material choices and that you used what you had on hand. The armor is truly inspired and the part I love the most. Great job on the corset !!
Thank you so much!!
I love everything! This is so fun and imaginative, the tea cup armor is just awesome!
Thank you! The armor is one of my favorite projects this year.
Lots of details! Love the choice of colors, they all compliment each other beautifully. ❤
Elegant and badass – just as it is supposed to be. You are very talented!
I love this! It’s really very well done! Thank you!
Thank you!
I love the concept and the consideration that went into making each piece of this outfit! Your attention to detail is amazing!! So well done!
Awww thank you so much!