
Medb; The Warrior Queen Of Connaught



Regina Finan


Outline the story …

Táin Bó Cúailnge is the story of Queen Medb's raid into Ulster to obtain the Brown Bull of Cooley to win a competition with her husband over who was richer. Entry is inspired by the English translation by Thomas Kinsella.
My inspiration is taken from the first ch: Pillow Talk, were Medb describes herself as "superior in wealth and treasures" & "I by myself and alone break battles".
She is referred to as "the fair haired wolf queen" which led me to include embroidery of wolf heads along with Celtic knot-work hunting hounds. It is believed that if she was real then she would have lived around 50BCE, the Iron Age so I took a lot of inspiration from Iron Age clothing & Viking stylized embroidery (Morgan Donner's kirtle dress video was also a huge inspiration).
I wanted to use rich colours to help convey Medb's wealth & gold wire twisted into beads for the sleeves. Medb was a great warrior who enjoyed her wealth and power and ruled Connaught justly for many years, she was also the daughter of a faé/goddess which gave her connection to the lands she ruled & strengthened her claim to the throne of Connaught, meaning that while whomever she was married to was king (at least 5 that we know of) the sovereignty rested with her & she remained queen but her husband was no longer king once the marriage ended.

Outline the construction…

The outer garment is a rich blue cotton blend twill, trimmed with hand embroidered blue velvet. The sleeves were stitched by hand but the bodice & skirt was sewn with a machine due to time constraints. Most machine stitches were zigzag to help prevent fraying, combined with straight line stitches for my 2nd ever attempt at French seams on the bodice.
Pieces were made with a combination of draping on myself & transferring that to cloth pattern pieces. The sleeves were particularly difficult as I've never done any before & all patterns I could find had the seam closure under the arm so they have to be draped on myself multiple times for the correct fit & style. The 'How to Make a Fortuny Delphos Gown' article on Foundations Revealed was a huge help in figuring out how to achieve the look I wanted for the sleeves. I've also shared a link to the YouTube playlist that I created to help inspired & helped me.
The biggest difficulty for me was getting started, I was so scared about how it would turn out but overall while I see things that can be done better in future I'm overjoyed to have completed my very first costume.




  1. Sparrow on March 11, 2021 at 6:07 pm

    I remember seeing progress pictures on Discord! The finished embroidery is gorgeous.

  2. Avatar Bethany Rush on March 11, 2021 at 7:42 pm

    This is rich, beautiful and powerful. The sleeves I think are particularly striking, great work!

    • Avatar Regina Finan on March 12, 2021 at 6:13 pm

      That is amazing to hear Bethany. The sleeves & embroidery are my favourite parts of it so I’m really delighted that you like them. 🙂

  3. Avatar Mathilde on March 12, 2021 at 1:52 pm

    Such nice details! it looks good, you can be proud of you.

  4. Avatar Carolien van Alphen on March 12, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    That embroidery is gorgeous! Such great details <3

  5. Niamh on March 12, 2021 at 10:16 pm

    I LOVE THIS. I studied early Irish literature and mythology for my BA and Kinsella’s edition of the Táin basically lived in my schoolbag for 3 years. I love what you’ve done with this and all the hand detailing is beautiful. She looks powerful and fierce.

  6. JAYE SUDAR on March 15, 2021 at 2:57 am

    Lovely work. Your interpretation works well, and the embroidery is beautiful.

  7. Avatar Valerie on March 16, 2021 at 3:09 am

    A striking design that fits the inspiration so well. And that vivid blue!

    • Avatar Regina Finan on March 16, 2021 at 9:22 pm

      Thank you Valerie 😀
      That blue just grabbed me the minute I saw it. I’m an utter sucker for deep, vibrant colours.

  8. Avatar AnnaCatherine Sendgikoski on March 22, 2021 at 4:43 am

    This exceptionally well done. I love the embroidery and the thought that went in to the construction of this dress. Thank you!

    • Avatar Regina Finan on March 24, 2021 at 11:25 pm

      Thank you so much Anna. 😀 Your words mean a lot and are a nice encouragement to keep going with trying to learn more sewing, crafting and embroidery (and anything else that seems interesting). 🙂

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