Zahrah’s Mary Poppins

Outline the story …
As a child I loved the story of Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers, so I decided to create the outfit that always popped up in my head when I was young. I always imaged her wearing a skirt, not too long and not too short, combined with a red cape lined with fur on the bottom edge. In my imagination the cape and the skirt were waving around her, while the wind brought her to Cherry Tree Lane in London. Settled on a cape-skirt combination, I started looking for patterns and fabrics. Furthermore I tried to make a cape and skirt suitable for other outfits in my closet.
Outline the construction…
Always interested in the fashion of old times, I challenged myself and used a cape-pattern found in the book, with the German title: "Ich kann schneidern" (translates to, I can tailor)', published in 1909. Although the cape was the second item I've ever sewn (the first one was a simple circle skirt), the problem was not the enlargement of the pattern - instead I struggled with the fake fur. Sewing it on the fabric was very difficult for me because the fur was very extensive and I couldn't see the pressure foot very well, but with the help of a knitting needle and an extra pair of hands showing me how to hold the fur down, the problem was solved. The lining was sewn in mainly by hand (again the fur was in the way) and for the skirt I used the pattern 118 of German BudraStyle 10/2020. The instructions for the skirt were very straight forward and I had no problems until I began to sew in the invisible zipper. I have never done this before and I had to remove it twice. The skirt is fully lined, so I decided to hem the bottom edge by hand with invisible stitching.
Red wool (1m) via
Fake fur (1m) via Webpelzshop
Lining (100% Polyester) (1m) found at Wenatex, Salzburg
Grey wool (2,2m) found at Moser Trachten, Salzburg
Lining (2,2m) source unknown
Matching threads, Zipper, hooks/eyes: Wenatex Salzbrug
Buttons and ornamented hook: Knöpfe Mayer, Salzburg
Lovely! I adore the cape. I hope it gets plenty of wear. Best of luck x
Thank you very much:) I wore it a couple of times this autumn/winter
I love the colors and fabrics you’ve chosen. Elegant and soft and nicely put together. I’m happy to see your version of one of my favorite characters also.
Your outfit looks so warm, cozy and well stitched! I like a little bright colored detail appearing on the line of your pocket very much!
Thank you for the kind words:) Indeed, it is quite warm
Georgous looking dress. The strap and front solution is beautiful.
Thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words 🙂
I love the cape! It looks so warm and luxurious! And really well done for the second item you have ever sewn (if I understand correctly from your story). And the pinafore is absolutely lovely!
Thank you, yes it was my second item I have sewn:)
This is so beautiful! I love the warmth and coziness you brought out in her. On top of everything you nailed that invisible zipper! (this is a huge feat I have not yet achieved)
I love how you’ve created a Mary Poppins inspired by your childhood imagination rather than the typical English styling. Beautifully crafted.
Lovely comment, thank you very much:)
Thank you so much:)
This is lovely. The cape came out very well and I love the lining fabric you used. Also very impressed with the skirt/apron dress design, it looks for practical and comfortable.
Very kind words:)
Everything looks so cozy and practical!! And I love the linin fabric you paired with the burgundy wool. Well done!!
Indeed it is cozy!:)
Ein wirklich tolles Outfit! Oft finde ich die Burda Anleitungen garnicht so einfach zu verfolgen (ich mache da meist mein eigenes Ding draus ^^”’), also Respekt! Insbesondere für den unsichtbaren Reißverschluss, das ist wirklich garnicht so leicht! Und die Pelzbordüre ist doch letztenendes auch wirklich gut rangekommen!
Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt! 🙂
Vielen lieben Dank für diesen lieben Kommentar! Der Reißverschluss war tatsächlich eine Herausforderung, aber ich bin wirklich sehr zufrieden damit. 🙂
Love the hint of colour on the edges, this is beautifully executed.
Happy you have noticed that little detail 🙂
What a beautiful realization of your mental image! I’m just in love with that cape.
The cape is now one of my favorite items of my wardrobe, thank you for your kind words:)
This came out beautifully – what a lovely ensemble! You’re inspiring me to make a cape like this now 🙂
Thank you for the kind words, I wish you all the best for your project 😉
Lovely! Very Mary, indeed! I love that cape! Thank you!
What a nice comment! Thank you very much :*
Love your use of colour and texture in all those little spots in the garments. I am stunned this is in the beginner category frankly! Well worked and executed!
The perfect amount of class and style for Ms. Poppins indeed! 🙂 Your pocket setting is amazing and as everyone is commenting – that cape! Drool 🙂 Imagining the laughter and frustration you described with fur too haha
Very well done. Sewing with fur or fake fur is challenging! The finished look is wonderful. Your finishing details really make this outfit shine!
I love this cape, especially the fur at the bottom! Fake fur is definitely the bane of my existence, you did a lovely job with it though 🙂 I love how all of the little details bring your outfit together