Lord of the Fountain

Outline the story …
I made an outfit for the Tolkien character Ecthelion of Gondolin. It says he and his people love silver and diamonds and that “they went into battle to the music of flutes." This all sounds very extra and fun and amazing. So I decided to make a whimsical take on what a person like this would wear in their daily life. Since Tolkien was inspired by Germanic and Norse mythology I decided to use a standard medieval-inspired T-tunic as a base. Initially, I wanted to make it of silver fabric but I opted for a royal blue as a reference to him being Lord of the Fountain.
I wanted to add a lot of rhinestones and sequins so the outfit would shimmer when light shines on it. I also knew I wanted to use a silver or white organza because it shines prettily when light hits it. I sketched out ways to use it: layering the entire ‘skirt’ with organza, or the entire tunic, but I decided that would overshadow the other details. The little rhinestones seemed fitting not just because it is said Ecthelion likes diamonds but also because Tolkien elves as a whole like stars. I thought spreading small rhinestones across the tunic could create a night sky like effect. Since Ecthelion is a great warrior I wanted to add armour like elements on the sleeves. I wanted to sew them on loosely so they would move and jangle when the wearer moves for a dynamic effect.
Outline the construction…
Since I am bad at math I had trouble scaling down the pattern from Profound Decisions Empire UK to fit me. I solved this by using a t-shirt dress I know fits me as a guide and kind of combined that and the pattern. Since the dress already flared out a bit and I did not trust myself with messing with it too much the final tunic I made does not have gores. This is also because the first mock-up I made with the gores looked too much like a kirtle.
The strips of organza were very slippery and finicky to deal with, the hemming especially took long because it was my first time hemming anything. All sequins are hand sewn on. The ones on the sleeves took the longest because the leaves are all individual ones and I wanted to give them a chainmail like feel. Since they are very light when I put them on individually they stuck out weird ways. Which meant I had to first figure out how to string them together with thread and then attach them to the sleeves. With the spaced-out leaves, I used one long thread on the inside for all of them so they would not be too tight. This did mean a mess of threads inside the sleeves so I added lining to make putting it on easier. The small stones are hotfix stones attached with an iron. The pattern on the front top I free-handed onto the fabric.
as a lover of Tolkien I’m pleases to see a lovely take on Ecthelion of Gondolin. love that you went for the historic medieval meets fantasy take. Wonderful work
Thank you so much!!!
Fabulous colour choice. LOVE it. And the sequin leaves!! Well done you!!
Thank you!!!
This is so cool, Hannah! I love how you’ve incorporated the leaves as delicate elements to reflect the light, as well as making it feel like armour – it really works well, and was worth the effort! This feels like a great blend of fancy and functional:)
Is that embroidery across the top that you did as well? I really like it too!
Thank you so much! The pattern across the top is made from little rhinestone type things thank you layed on the fabric and then used the heat from my iron to stick them on. I’m glad you like it 🙂
This is really cool! I love the leaf like armor!
Thank you😊
This is so perfectly Tolkien and its just delightful 🙂
Thank you☺️
Yesss! I am loving all the Tolkien characters in this competition. 💞 I love your color choice and the thought you put behind the design. All those sequences and leaves sewn by hand are quite a task and you did a great job with them. The sequence is a really pretty highlight against this beautiful blue!
Thank you for the sweet comment!! I’m really loving all the Tolkien inspired costumes too!
A very thoughtful interpretation of the character. The chainmail leaves are really effective. Well done!
Thank you! I’m glad the leaves worked out well.
This is really beautiful. I love it! I love the details too. Thank you!
Thank you!
Lovely choice of colour and fabric. That free hand embroidery is fabulous – and so elven. Good choice to leave the gores out – it looks much more tunic like. Congratulations on hemming organza – especially as your first attempt – nothing like a challenge!
Thank you😊