
Little Prince Of 1001 Nights



Assia Mezroui

(click images to to enlarge)

Outline the story …

I felt especially inspired by the theme, as an avid reader I had lots of characters in mind, but ultimately choose one of my favourites; The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. As a more personal twist, I decided to take inspiration from the traditional arab dress, which aesthetics I've always been fascinated by; and I also wanted to showcase my culture. What I ended up with could be described as Tales of One Thousand and One Nights meets The Little Prince.

Outline the construction…

The fabric of the inside of the costume is from an old dress of mine, as well as the little rose which consists of fabric from an old pair of shorts.
The green and blue fabric was a gift my father got me when I started to show an interest in sewing. Since then (almost 2 years) I've been hiding it in the back of my closet, and thought this was the perfect opportunity to use it. The thought of making something out of it scared me off a bit, and I've been using the excuse that I was too busy with my studies to get a new hobby.

My grandmother gifted me her old sewing machine, which I had learned to use, mostly to repair ripped clothes from my siblings and friends to practice with. When I decided to join this competition, I started sewing the costume's cape with it, but halfway through the project, my machine broke; and I didn't manage to repair it. So I was lent another sewing machine, but since this one was a lot more modern; most of my difficulties during this project was trying to figure out how it worked. Another difficult thing was trying to work with the silky fabric. Not to speak of not using a pattern and drafting something myself. I couldn't find a pattern that suited what I had in mind, so I just used clothes from my little brothers (the dashing models) and online pictures as reference.




  1. Avatar Jocelyn Lofstrom on March 12, 2021 at 1:15 am

    I LOVE this! The mashup of Little Prince and 1001 Nights is brilliant. Well done!

  2. Avatar Laura Boyles on March 12, 2021 at 1:04 pm

    It looks great, and the models are indeed dashing. Sympathy with the sewing machine struggles – sometimes they seem to make it all much harder! Best of luck x

    • Avatar Assia on March 14, 2021 at 9:12 pm

      Aww that’s sweet of you! My machine will hopefully be fixed soon, I can’t wait to practice my sewing more 🙂 Wish you a lovely day/night

  3. Avatar Carolien van Alphen on March 12, 2021 at 8:07 pm

    I love the pleated trousers and arabic influences in this. Definitely a little prince. Well done!

  4. Avatar Andrea Olinte on March 13, 2021 at 8:01 am

    That coat with the twinkling stars, the little turban, the colour choice – so dreamy, so little prince. Wonderful!

    • Avatar Assia on March 14, 2021 at 9:19 pm

      Aww thank you Andrea 🙂 What you just described is exactly what I had in mind for this project, glad I managed to get the image across!

  5. Avatar JackieJJassnes on March 13, 2021 at 7:40 pm

    I like your work, very much
    Especially your way of searching, figuring out and finding solutions. Your patience when embroidering, your patience to transform your long-saved fabric into a rose. I like the way you put things into words. You are not only a creative stitcher but also a talented writer.
    Beautiful! I will continue to follow you.
    Well done!
    Best of luck xxx

  6. Avatar Valerie on March 16, 2021 at 3:00 am

    The constellations! The rose! Everything ties back into the inspiration, melding perfectly with the traditional garment choices. Well done!

  7. Avatar Elowen Blackthorn on March 19, 2021 at 2:16 pm

    Well done! Very cute ensemble, love the embroidered stars!

  8. Avatar AnnaCatherine Sendgikoski on March 22, 2021 at 4:22 am

    Love, love, love those embroidered starts. The colors are wonderful and fit the storyline so well! Thank you!

  9. Avatar Stephanie Tietze on March 22, 2021 at 5:25 am

    I love the color palette used for this outfit. Your brother is a good model and the outfit is charming. It matched the inspiration well. The stars are a nice touch too.

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