Embroidered Flower Vest

Outline the story …
I've wanted to improve my garment finishing and also do more with drafting from period sewing books. In going through some of my stash (hoard) of fabric, I remembered I had this beautifully textured green, but not a lot of it. A vest seemed like a perfect choice! I've struggled with certain styles of fitted garments, and thought this would be a great challenge project, giving me a blank (green) canvas on which to try out new embroidery styles!
Outline the construction…
First step: drafting. I'd done this style of drafting once before, on a pair of trousers, this one was a bit more involved, probably twice the amount of points. First mock-up had several issues, second mock-up was much better. Turns out I needed to take out part of the shoulder seam and add an extra dart at the bust, as well as increasing the waist (turns out I had gained weight since my last set of measurements), also at this point I decided the fabric was probably too thick to work the lapel right (and with the embroidery would probably end up in the middle of a flower, with my luck!), and decided against the breast welt pocket. Welt pockets and lapels were new tasks for me, but a combination of FR articles and YT videos helped with both. At this point I realized there was no drafting for the facing I knew I would need at the center front, so I cut my pattern piece where I thought it needed to go and cut the facing and lining fabrics accordingly. Construction with final fabric hit a couple snafus, mostly requiring me to take out seams and work them in different orders, attaching the lining sides first to the outer fabric at the armsceyes, then together at the center back, then at the neck and bottom hem, and finally whip stitching by hand to the center front facing on both sides.
The dart shaping around the waist has come out really beautifully!
I also love the colour and texture of the fabric you’ve chosen.