Catherine Earnshaw’s Stays

Outline the story …
This pair of stays was one of the first garments I have ever sewn, and are also my first attempt at creating historical dress. It was a bit of an ambitious project, but I was adamant about making the best stays I could so that I would be able to gain as much experience and knowledge as possible through the journey. When I found out about this contest, I was ecstatic, especially considering Classic Literature is one of my favorite things ever! I already had the stays done at that point, so the only thing left was to find a book or story that could relate best, and while I looked through my book collection, my eyes locked on my copy of "Wuthering Heights"- a perfect match! Not only does the basis of the story take place in the late 18th century, but these stays fit the character of Cathy Earnshaw perfectly. She was known to be vain and self-centered, and I thought is appropriate that she would have a beautiful design on everything, even her stays, which nobody would even see! I definitely see these to be Cathy’s stays.
Outline the construction…
The construction on these took a bit of a while, but that was only because they were completely hand-sewn as well as made during a time when I was in school. It took about a month to make them completely. This was my first pair of stays, so I learned new things about sewing techniques, adding linings, making eyelets, and binding, which brought about a love of staymaking and corsetmaking for me. The main resources I looked at were American Duchess on youtube, considering these stays were based on one of their own patterns, as well as other channels on youtube like Bernadette Banner’s, of whom I am a huge fan. I wanted to learn as much as possible about how to make these stays the best I could, so learning as much as possible was a huge part of the process.
Absolutely beautiful! I appreciate every detail, including the fabric selection. Just attempted my first stay done in denim, lined with muslin. Yours is gorgeous with bottom tabs and shoulder bows!.Good job.
Beautiful set of stays! Well done indeed, especially for first ever set!!!
Well done, loving the fabric choices for this!
Very nicely done!
Ambition looks good on you!! This is lovely!
It’s so pretty! Congratulations on such a lovely piece.
Wow you’re so talented!! 🙂 absolutely stunning!!
Beautiful work, I love the fabric choice! I was shocked to read that this is one of your first projects, you are very gifted!
Nothing like diving right into a challenge, and you have definitely done so with a splash! Beautifully done.
Well done, brava! I love these! I really love that fabric as well! When I venture out and make my first set of stays, they sure as heck won’t look this good! Thank you!
Full respect on sewing these completely by hand! Must have taken a lot of patience. Lovely work!
Such amazing work! I adore all the details. Bravo!
I’m blown away! This is an amazing pair of stays, I can’t believe you’ve never made any before! The shape is gorgeous, the placement of the eyelets is even and regular, the floral fabric is lovely, and well done for sewing them all by hand! Delightful work!
This looks wonderful! I really like the fabric you used.
Fantastic! These are lovely!
Seconding others on excellent workmanship and excellent fabric choices. Outstanding work.
These are super cute! 🥰🥰
You did a marvelous job! And I can totally picture Cathy wearing them.
No way you’re a beginner~! There’s hope for me~ Beautiful.