Bellatrix lives!

Outline the story …
My inspiration was Bellatrix Lestrange, from "Harry Potter".
In my little story, she didn't die in the Battle of Hogwarts . She managed to survive and travelled back in time and to another dimension and now she is hiding among the muggles in a small village. She seems to be a very nice lady, who teaches Art to some children of the village. The question is: do you really believe she's nice at all? The children sometimes bring home some strange objects.
We know very well why! Bellatrix is going by Ms. Belle now. And she dresses just like any ordinary lady from the village. This is part of her disguise, trying to look so sweet - as if we didn't know! So, dressing like a lady who's just a beginner at sewing, wearing lace, ribbons and embroidered linen would be the perfect disguise!
So what is she really up to? She's been training those kids. Teaching them "Dark" Arts. But you could ask me, aren't those kids muggles? They are probably wizards that don't know what they are because they are in another dimension. She must prepare her army to get her revenge or she will go back to Azkaban, which she doesn't want to, obviously.
If she can do this, she will be the most powerful witch in the world and her revenge will be the greatest (in her opinion, of course!).
And this explains why I thought Bellatrix and her particular situation would match the outfit that I created.
Outline the construction…
What I made: the petticoat: I used one of our old bed sheets (polyester), some cheap lace and ribbon. I didn't use a pattern, just got inspired by pictures on google. I used machine for side seams and outside wast band and hemmed and finished inside by hand.
I also made the capelet. For this one I ordered some embroidered linen, 2 types of antique lace (I bought all they had so it was a little bit of a struggle and scare, I literally prayed for it to work and at the end it did!!! Also vintage velvet ribbon. This piece was hand made 100%. It closes with a hook and eye on the front and I attached the bow (I saw Bernadette Banner doing something similar with a bow on a cape). For pattern, I just made a circle cape, made it on paper as a simple pattern.
I made the skirt from the same embroidered linen from the capelet and made it gathered on the back. It closes on the back with hooks and eyes and I added 2 detachable bows on the front made from the same vintage ribbon from the cape. I only used 2 pieces of fabric, I didn't have much after making the capelet, so I had to adapt the length and width and work with what I had. Side seams/outside waist band by machine, the rest by hand.
My resources: old books, archive website, Youtube, Pinterest, eBay.
I love the backstory and result of this. It’s also super cool to see the mix of upcycling and vintage! Great job!
Love how you make the original story continue, and reading about the making of this costume 😁.
Thank you so much!!! 🥰
Thank you so much! I’m so glad I had the courage to participate!
Love the creative take on the story! And the product has come out very well too!
Thank you very much! 💚
The cape is delightful! And the whole ensemble works really well!
Thank you so much Missy! So glad you liked it. 💚
SO many beautiful details!
Thank you so much Lindsey! 🥰
It looks beautiful! The story is very interesting. And you should continue creating clothes and stories too!!🤩😍❤️
I love your backstory! I’ve been admiring your project for a while, but I never knew what inspired it. I also never saw the beautiful embroidery on your linen, or how quaint your velvet ribbons look. It’s a beautiful project! You should be very proud of your work. And I love seeing you acting the part! Good luck from icarus!
Thank you so much! 🥰 One day I hope to embroider. It was my intention for the cape but it would take at least 10 years. 😆
That capelet is so dainty and pretty! Oh that bow! I think I’m stealing that detail for the next cape for my daughter!!!
Aww thank you!!! And es the bow was so fun to make!
Very beautiful entry. the bow on the cape is brilliant
Thank you so much Kitty!
Bellatrix in white…I love it well done.
Thank you so much! So glad you liked it!
I love this AU, and your inversion of the expected relationship of white to black works so well! Not just because we’re used to Bellatrix in mostly black, but because the image of the respectable Victorian schoolmarm type would be a white blouse and dark suit. The white as the outer layer, with the hint of her darkness beneath… simple but brilliant! Beautifully realized.
Thank you so much for this wonderful comment!
the velvet ribbon and linen for that capelet are lush
Thank you so very much!
Very nice. I love the use of old bedsheets! I love the petticoat and the details do not look like you used cheap lace. Very nice overall, thank you!
Bellatrix Rocks ! Hullo my friend, I am so chuffed for you , Your costume is awesome and you are aware of my support for your creation. <3 It Inspired me to paint a portrait of it !! . Best of luck dear soul you knocked this one out of the ball park I am super proud of you !!! Congratulations on your entry 🙂
This ensemble delights my heart! Great work upcycling. I adore it!
Very successful garments and excellent use of the little dashes of “sweet” color in the ribbons and lace. Fits your story totally!!
This is great! Some of the most terrifying people in the world, real or not, are “nice people” hiding their evil under “innocent” clothes. This was a great project.
I love the creativity of both the story and the materials used. Lovely job!