"Once Upon A Time..."

Curl up with a book and tumble down the rabbithole into the realm of the storyteller. Talking lions, evil faeries, dashing pirates and haughty dowagers are waiting for their enchanted dancing slippers, or recoiling at petticoats three inches deep in mud... so, what will your favourite character wear?
- Create a single garment or a whole outfit for a specific character from a piece of written literature – eg poem, novel, short story, graphic novel (No film/TV or Video games).
- Any genre is acceptable: fantasy, historical, sci-fi, thriller, romance, steampunk etc.
- This piece of literature can be from any culture and in any language - as long as it is published and available to be read somewhere by the judges and voting members. A very brief precis of the character/story should be submitted with the design.
- So long as it existed as a book/poem/story first, it’s fine if your chosen piece of literature has subsequently been used as the basis for a movie, play, opera, animated series or TV show.
- Recreations of other artists' or designers' existing illustrations are allowed, but will not be considered as innovative as your own original design by the judges. The original artist/designer should be credited in your submission.
This is as much about exhibiting your work as it is a "competition", so relax and enjoy the process. Enter the thing you want to make and will have fun doing! Don't get too hung up on "is this allowed?" The chances are it the answer will be yes; just read the guidelines again... but the competition is also an opportunity to push yourself, experiment and think outside the box.
placements and prizes

1st place in each skill category
- $400 gift certificate for the online store(s) of your choice
A year's free Academy membership to Foundations Revealed.
Specially designed 'Winner' icon to use on your website or social media profile

2nd place in each skill category
- $200 gift certificate for the online store(s) of your choice
6 months' free Academy membership to Foundations Revealed.
Specially designed '2nd place' icon to use on your website or social media profile

3rd place in each skill category
- $100 gift certificate for the online store of your choice
3 months' free Academy membership to Foundations Revealed.
Specially designed ‘3rd place’ icon to use on your website or social media profile.

For anyone on the fence next year, I would say that simply making the time for yourself to make something for the contest is an act of self-care... no matter the result, that's always a worthwhile thing.
Maeri Certo
entrant in 2018, 2019 and 2020
It has been a challenging learning experience and a great opportunity to think outside the box and grow as a maker... Go go go!
Christiane Tano
2018 winner
It has been exhilarating to enter the competition and work on my entry. I would like everyone who is on the fence about entering to be bold.
To allow themselves to create, without censoring their creative brain. To be brave and share their work.
Marloes Dadswell
2018 winner/2020 2nd place
It’s been an amazing journey, with friends along the way… This feels much more like joining an exhibition than competing. Go for it!